Wisconsin has been partnering with Coffective since 2016, aiming to establish and sustain partnerships, support consistent messaging, and foster alignment and collaboration between local and state breastfeeding stakeholders.

Community Collaboration

State and local organizations throughout Wisconsin are currently engaged in efforts to find alignment opportunities, enhance referral systems by leveraging existing networks and building new connections, and learn from each other and other communities about how to improve continuity of care for birthing and lactating families. Coffective works alongside public health to focus on achieving shared goals related to increasing access to care for the maternal and child health population.

Landscape Opportunity Analysis

Wisconsin partnered with Coffective in 2020-2022 to gather insights from state and local breastfeeding champions and partners. The results from those 1-on-1 conversations, listening sessions, and surveys were summarized in a Landscape Opportunity Analysis, which highlighted existing programs and initiatives, needs, and opportunities for alignment and future collaborative efforts. The analysis also included a network map showing the connections between various state partners.